Mutsuba Jouhou - Font EULA

Use on 1 device is allowed per 1 license.
For use on multiple devices, purchase of multiple licenses is required.

However, use is allowed on any additional device used exclusively by the buyer.
e.g.: desktop(main, shared: yes), laptop(additional, shared: no),
laptop(additional, exclusive: yes), smartphone(additional, exclusive: yes)

Also, please note that licences for downloadable products
are not tranferable and not resellable.

For the areas in which use is allowed, please refer to the table below.

Can be used
Cannot be used
Material for games or the web;
Trademark or design registration of things like company names, shop names, product names;
Design of things like product packages, product labels;
Imaging in promotion videos, commercial films, movies, animation, including subtitling;

Print material, templates, print-only PDF files;
Printed medium like ads, catalogs, flyers, direct mail, point of purchase advertising;
Other medium like embroidery, 3D printing, signboards, tattoos.

Any other work in which only static text will use the font.

Private and commercial use are both allowed.
Moreover, transformation of shape of characters is allowed.
(The tandokoro fonts are exactly for that!)
Embedding all characters in software, video games, or in machines like arcade, pachinko and slot;
On web servers (including web fonts);
When font or part of font has been obtained by other means than those featured on our website (even if font was altered or format was changed).

Any other environment in which the font will be used in a subordinate manner (dynamic text will use the font).

Please be aware that the following are also forbidden:

Sale or distribution of digital work like images, emoji or stamps having characters as their mean feature;
Sale or distribution of digital work in which a large number of characters have been rasterized/vectorized at once;
Using images having characters as their mean feature to promote a business focusing on logo-making subcontracting (this includes through the internet).

Any doubts or questions? Feel free to .

六葉情報 フォント
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